A Writer’s Workflow: How I Work

A Writer’s Workflow: How I Work

Click here to download the full-res infographic of the Writer’s Workflow! I can’t speak for any other writers, but I certainly have writing habits. Some are great, but others… aren’t. This post is about those habits, deadlines, goals, and...

How to Self-Publish Your Book: Design Matters

I got started self-publishing books shortly after I began writing my first thriller. Initially, I looked around for traditional publishing companies that I thought might be interested in the book — I checked the acknowledgements sections of my favorite...

5 Awesome Scrivener Facts

I’m a huge fan of Scrivener. Like, a big enough fan that I wrote an entire series on it (read the Scrivener series here). But why?  Why all the Scrivener hype over here? What’s the big deal? In a word, it’s awesome.  In more words,...

How to Write Your First Novel with Scrivener

Oh, how naive we are when we first start to write a book. It all seems so simple until you begin to consider the enormous task that stands before you. I was naive and I bet you were too. One of the silly assumptions I made was that I could open up a Word Document and...

Scrivener: An Introduction to Novel Writing

It’s no secret around here that I’m a huge fan of Scrivener, the #1 tool for writing. I’ve used it for two novels, six nonfiction books, and even for quickly formatting copied text to generate personal-use PDFs. Still, I get questions all the time...