Hack Your Writing
Take your writing to the next level...Mastering NIFT Entrance Exam with SILICA Institute's Previous Year Papers Guide
Prepare strategically for the competitive NIFT entrance exam with the invaluable resource of previous year question papers and SILICA Institute's support. Discover the significance of NIFT previous year papers, gain insights into exam patterns, and learn effective study...
read moreExpert Advice on How to Avoid Exam Mistakes
There are multiple examples of mistakes that the students make, taking their exams. It is funny to read about some of them. Others are one-of-a-kind as students can hardly conceive of such odd misunderstandings. There are many errors caused by the confusion with int...
read moreSEO for Authors: Why Content Marketing Matters
The problem with authors is we do a lot of research and we know a lot of things. We can even give others great advice about what to do with their writing and website. We have a harder time doing it for ourselves. This is often because we freeze out of fear. How do we...
read moreHow to Edit Your Writing for SEO
No matter what kind of content you write and what the subject matter is, you need to have a thorough editing process in place. This will ensure your content is clear, concise and informative – and also memorable. But the best online content takes useful, well-written...
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Lemons Into Lemonade (How To Turn Negative Events into Positive Expression)
The fact is, many of us rely on creating to express our emotions. All of us on Writehacked are especially familiar with this process. Creating to express our emotions in any form has potential to be a healthy and life giving experience. We can use art and writing as a...
read more7 Potent Ways to Make Your Book an International Bestseller
No doubt, if you are an aspiring writer then at some point of your career you must have asked the question, ‘How to make my book a bestseller?’ to the publisher or any bestselling author. Right? Well, being a writer, if you want to sell your books to the maximum...
read more8 Rules for Starting A Blog
I remember it almost five years ago. A new empty website, a blank screen. Next I remember the terror that came over me as I began to realize that owning and running on an online insurance blog, would require me to....write. The whole idea seemed so simple to me...
read more5 Ways to Build an Author Brand
In a world of digitization and globalization, online branding has developed a new prominence.Mindful of this reach of the Internet, first-time writers today are advised to exploit various online channels to establish connections with their audience and get visibility...
read moreGhostwriting: What’s In a Title?
I’ve ghostwritten 25 books for my author/clients and inevitably the job of picking a title is one of the thorniest. And why is that? It sets the tone for the book; it is what catches a reader’s attention, second only to the cover, and it’s what an author repeats most often whether in an interview, or chatting a book up with friends.
read more5 Actionable Ways to Attract Your Target Audience to Your Blog
You don't have to work from 9 to 5 to earn money these days. Many people set foot in working freelance, and blogging is a good way for people to share their knowledge and enrich themselves at the same time. If you're ready to start a blog or you've already had it,...
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Top 10 Mistakes Writers Make When Self-Publishing a Book
After working on your content for a considerable amount of time, the moment has finally come. You are now a daring author on the verge of self-publishing your first book. Good job! Now be aware: there are certain tricks you must remember in order to get the best...
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Preparing for Self-Publishing: Where Do You Start?
Going through the seemingly endless waiting game and steeling yourself to read the piles of rejection letters can seem like a complete waste of energy these days, with so many self-publishing platforms available. The fact is that many authors have seen success with...
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SPA 63: Compromise!
Today the dudes chat about "compromise," or how to spend less to get a "minimum viable product," or MVP. They talk a lot about cover design, and how to make a book cover that works well enough to at least get some attention.

SPA 62: Live from the NETWO Conference!
Today is a special day - the guys are live at the North East Texas Writer's Organization conference, doing a live podcast. That's right - they've got a table set up in the front of the meeting hall, and they discuss some of the reasons for podcasting as a marketing...

SPA 61: Short Stories and How to Use Them
The guys discuss the deceptively difficult genre for writers: the elusive short story. From Arthur C. Clarke to Philip K. Dick, and a few other notable short story penners in-between, they discuss how they're using them to build their platforms, how to approach them...

SPA 60: Genre Targeting for Authors
Today the goodly gents discuss genres with C.S. Lakin. She's a hugely successful author in different genres, both fiction and nonfiction, and she has some amazing insights into the all-too-important task of choosing a great genre for your books. She has two courses up...

SPA 59: How to Plan A Book Launch (Listener Voicemails)
The dudes answer a couple listener questions about launching two books at the same time, building a "funnel" and setting up book giveaways, and other on-topic (really!) stuff. Tune in to see how the guys respond to some great - and tough - questions! How to launch...

SPA 58: Relaxing with Indiana Jones
Subtitle: Being Awesome, Successes, and Celebration Rituals. Today the dudes talk about how they maintain positivity and celebrate their wins. There are plenty of ways to "celebrate" little victories (and big ones), and the guys chat about their weird and not-so-weird...

SPA 57: The Most Inspirational, Awesome Books of All Time
...Or at least according to the guys. In this episode, the dudes chat about the most inspiring presentations, talks, books, movies, podcasts, etc. they've ever encountered and had the pleasure to consume. Also Nick got a van. Mentions: Tony Robbins - Unlimited Power...

SPA 56: Trilogies, Theft & Plagiarism, and Ebook Images
Today the goodly gents discuss trilogy and serial promotion and marketing, reviews for trilogies, and what defines a "trilogy." Also, the boys discuss Kevin's recent experience with theft and plagiarism - he had his book stolen and reposted under a different Amazon...

SPA 55: Improvisation and Revising for Writers
Today the guys discuss the rules of improve, as they apply to writers. Comedy improvisation rules are things like, "never say 'no,'" "yes/and," etc. But while these "rules" are helpful and can lead to really funny improvised comedy, it can also be a detriment to your...

SPA 54: Writing Christian Fiction with Rachel Starr Thomson
Rachel Starr Thomson doesn't just have a cool name. She's a veritable writing rockstar (a "wrockstar"). She's been on the show before, but we caught up with her today to discuss a HUGE topic we've been pondering for quite some time: writing Christian fiction....